Monday, November 17, 2008

Stick Man

Here is the long awaited video of Nolan on Halloween this year. Teresa, his mother, made his costume and she did a great job (she always does). Anyway, I finally got it off my camera and the girls fixed it all up for our enjoyment. They did a great job and it is WAY FUN to watch. ENJOY!

Kellie ~Cleopatra~
Ashlee ~She called herself the Teal Witch~
Anna ~Spider Man~

Olivia and Alaina ~Orthodontist Assistants~
Nolan ~Stick Man~

All the Kiddos

All of Kellie, Ashlee, and Anna's candy.

Anna and her big Spider Man muscles. Oh my goodness was she excited when we found this costume. She had it for a few weeks before halloween and had to put it on almost every other day just because ... well in order to be Spider Man you have to wear the costume sheeesh!


Aimee Sommer said...

how cute nolans costume is genius! lol

Me said...

that video was SO funny!!!! It looked so bizarre and real!! What a great idea! And I love little Anna in her spiderman costume!

Marc Gingell said...

haha, that's so funny!

Kelsie Henrichsen said...

the video is awesome!! all your kids look so cute in there costums!

Sky, Jausi, Capree, Cash, & Charly said...

I can't believe how big they've gotten since we last saw them! They're so cute!

Ryan said...

Amazing! Is that for real?