Saturday, July 19, 2008

Trek Zombies!

The girls are HOME!!! I am so proud of my lil girls! They are both alright they both have some blisters on their feet Alaina has a little wind burn on her face and Olivia has a small scratch on her leg - I think that is doing pretty good for roughing it for four days! Welcome back Olivia & Alaina!

Weekend Chores

There is nothing better then the accomplishment of chores! Sure you can look at my little chores and say dang you really didn't do much (cause I didn't) but big or small there is no better feeling then finishing your weekend chores! The grass is cut the turtle tank is clean and the dogs are washed!

Friday, July 18, 2008


I feel so blessed to finally be living closer to family now. We get to see them more than once or twice a year. We get to share in birthday parties and holidays. Kellie gets to see her dad every other weekend now. But the thing is .... my kids have been gone all week. Kellie is at her dads, Olivia and Alaina are at trek (lucky girls), Ashlee and Anna are at my mom and dads house, and Nolan has been with his mom (which is fine). You would think that I would be super happy to have the children out of the house for a while. OK fine I am happy BUT it is so quiet. The children FINALLY get back tomorrow after being gone ALL week. I told Shawn the other day that I am not sure I will be able to deal with our children moving out EVER! I have been doing day care/preschool for the past 11 years. I am use to noise and chaos. What will I do when they all move out??? When I was younger I always had this dream of sitting in my rocking chair on my porch with my husband, drinking lemonade, and watching the grand-kids swing on a tire swing hanging from our HUGE tree in our front yard. What the heck was I thinking? First off - I don't enjoy lemonade and second - what else will we be doing? Is that all there will be to do? No messes to clean up.
No driving back and forth to dance and sports or what have you. No breaking up fights. No kids to send back to bed, because as Anna would say in the middle of the night "my bed is not comforble". No one to fight over who gets to sit on my lap and love me. No one to call me from school because they are ill or forgot something. No one to help floss or brush their teeth. No one to scare as they pass the room I am hiding in. I just pray that Shawn and I remain the best of friends so that we don't ever have to try to remember how to be friends when the kids are all gone. I MISS ALL MY KIDS! ~Michelle~

Thursday, July 17, 2008

My first Blog - being perfect

This is a monumental event; finally the day has come for my very first Blog post! Besides the obvious reasons for starting a Blog (Not wanting to be left out) I thought hummm what would/could I use a Blog for… Sharing information about what is going on in my family’s life(s) and mine OR posting my rants – ohh trust me I have rants – (ask my kids about China) OR I could actually make this a meaningful blog and talk about issues and things that touch me. Finally I thought shut up and just do it!
My first Blog…
As you can see I am perfect in every way just look at my full head of hair! How many times have you been told – “you’re the perfect person for this... (task/job/position)”. There must be something that person saw in you, right? In a way it’s both rewarding and daunting to have this compliment thrown our way. Yes we all strive to be perfect and we all find great joy in being thought of as the right person, but there is the other nasty side to this… now we have expectations to fulfill and the chance of coming up short. How do we overcome this? Let’s look at this from the view of a church calling. We get callings and we are trying to fulfill our duties. Can we ever say – I was perfect in my calling I did everything that the Lord wanted me to do when I was asked to do it. Or do we attempt to do our best, and at times procrastinate assignments until the night before? My point is that we try to be perfect but realistically we come up short. Perfect is not something we can actually achieve only something we strive to become. Only our savior is truly perfect. So how do we as mortals that are set up to fail move forward? Outside of our LDS religion this is recognized and promoted as being “Born Again”. How do we as LDS look at being Born Again? Is it by our saviors grace alone like most Evangelical’s believe? Or is it by you partaking of the sacrament like most Catholics believe? I feel that it is a combination of the two – By our Savior’s grace we have the opportunity and by partaking the sacrament and repentance we regenerate our connection to Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father can not be in the presence of anything that is not perfect, but being the loving Father that he is, he provided a way for us to be linked with him through the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost withdraws when we are not at our best and then through repentance we can regenerate, like a star fish will regenerate lost limbs, our connection with Heavenly Father. Yoda was wrong then – “Do or do not, there is no try” – to be perfect, we have to continually TRY to be perfect and to pick ourselves up and press ever onward. I am positive that not every blog of mine will be so pointed, (or LONG!) but this is what I was thinking about on my way to work, and I wanted to share it with all of you blog-ers?


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

NEWBIES :) Our first post!!!!

So Shawn wanted a blog SOOOOO bad. He told me that if I wanted to I could surprise him with one. Well, honey bunch, here ya go - adorned with Broncos, pictures of our wonderful children, and well nothing else yet.

I am trying to figure this whole BLOG thing out. Marianne Duke told me - and I quote - "you get a blog and you will never shower again and the house will stay messy". Well I saw her house and it didn't look messy at all to me and she apparently blogs in her sleep.

I suppose this whole BLOG thing will be fun. It will teach me how to open up and let other's know about me/us. I think I tend to be too personal when it comes to "US". Oh, but I do love to talk sometimes. My Primary Presidency will tell you that I always have something to say about everything we talk about and even the stuff we don't talk about. They love me!